Hello,I Am


                                      As A Digital Marketer Work                                   

Hey Hello, Here is Akshay, from Saharanpur-(Near Delhi-NCR) Welcome to my blog- “Digitalsuperlink” and glad you have checked the page about me.

I’m a passionate Digital Marketer. I have now done Master of Digital Entrepreneurship with the DSIM- (Delhi School of Internet Marketing).

I have done graduated in Mechanical engineering. Designing is my favorite subject such as AutoCAD, Canva, Piktochart, Photoshop etc. I also know a little bit about Computer Science.It had a subject of my second semester. I have been in the digital marketing industry since 2018.

I also launched an absolutely free Digital Marketing Course to help people teach fingered Marketing and subscribe to my blog to learn the latest content in Digital Marketing.

An electronic online advertising program is doomed to fail as It lacks appropriate planning and teamwork. There are at least five digital online marketing skills required to succeed.

Business Planning – A digital online marketing plan serves a business purpose. Starting with a clearly written goal, a business plan must outline the goals, risks, resources required, spending budget, and a high-level notion of the plan.

On a campaign for each campaign, this is often represented as a creative short. The program should be simple to read, and first and foremost it needs to be clear and also concise in the business aims.

For an enterprise digital online marketing plan, a Plan of Action is a must. A well-recorded POA receives the nod in the management team, and also functions as a blueprint for implementation.

Analytical Planning and Evaluation – In this era of significance, entrepreneurs need to use data-driven advertising to examine the competitive landscape to comprehend competitive weaknesses and strengths.

 Advertisers also need to analyze client segments to determine particular interests and deliver relevant messages to particular client segments. Another facet of analytical abilities is the use of technology and tools to audit assets. Your web assets are similar to a car.

They need to be adjusted and break. Advertisers need analytical tools to repair website technical issues that, if left untreated, can negatively affect user experience, let alone negatively affect Search engine optimization effects. The third kind of analytical abilities are required ability to analyze the results of digital network advertising campaigns tools like Google Analytics, HubSpot, RavenTools, etc

I focus on one thing

About UsInternet Marketing Tactics
So What’s This Business About Long Range Informal Communication Publicizing?

I understand some of that you have already taken to the wholeheartedly, but there are others for whom social networking promotion is a mystery about what it is and why they ought to bother getting involved with it.

 What’s Social Media Marketing exctly?

Basically, its advertising plan – that, bottom line, is why you need to be interested inside if you’re intrigued in advertising your voice-over enterprise. 

It’s a marketing program that’s developed from an intense dislike of hard sell advertising tactics. As opposed to banging people over the head with advertising methods which may get considered bullying, hard sell, in your head selling. 

Social internet promotion is all about creating and maintaining relationships with potential customers so whenever they’re in the place to buy what you’re selling, they automatically consider you and the service you provide.

Your name springs to mind as of how you have introduced yourself on your social networking advertising activities, as a professional in your field, a trustworthy and intriguing individual, who might deliver on what they promise, and somebody that individuals would like to conduct business with.

So through your communications through social network marketing, you’ve positioned yourself as that individual. In promotion speak, Social Media Marketing is called Permission advertising, or inbound promotion. 

Its developed as a reaction to the traditional forms of promotion. Traditional marketing approaches have been things such as seminars, trade shows, telemarketing, print advertisements, direct mail.

 The problem has been that a lot more individuals have found methods to block out these promotion messages, making these approaches less and also less effective. 

Many people do not answer their phones unless they recognized the number calling them, many e-mail newsletters and correspondence may get caught on the ever efficient spam filters, individuals are able to fast forward their way throughout the Television adverts, and also some watch again facilities delete all the adverts for that you anyway. 

As info became increasingly more accessible throughout the Internet, clients really do not need this kind of marketing as they may get all of their info they need from other sources.

 So social network promotion is the way of promotion that avoids all of these problems as it encourages clients to find you once they are ready to make their purchase. 

So how do you do that Social internet marketing malarkey? The key is to get Social! And you can do this in three ways – publish, share & network. Social internet promotion sites can get roughly divided into these 3 categories although whenever you do investigate them you will soon realize that many of those do overlap within themselves. The general rule for all of these sites is to join in, become a member and also DON’T TRY AND SELL.

about us

I Love LifE

About Me

Life is invited to your personal, your professional and your creative life. I went through some difficult years where I felt like a failure. But in fact, I was really important. The struggle for me is the most inspirational thing in the world at the end of the day – as long as you consider it this way…

Questions? I have answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Of course, feel free to use it, and modify it when it is fit for personal or commercial projects. No specialties are required but appreciated.

You will need Elementary Page Builder, WordPress Installation, and WordPress Theme. I use OceanWp in this demo.

Please contact me to discuss the needs of your project and to define themes, plugins and hosting configurations.

I would be happy to help you get more with your online presence.

Contact form widget (pro)

Let's talk about your project

If you have an Elementor version, you can use this Pro Contact Form widget. Otherwise, you can easily use your favorite plugin and embed a form through a shortcode.


We help you to relax so that you can go in and start your own work. It helps you reflect so that you can enjoy your life.

our work

Look at what we do around the world and be motivated to join us on our mission to make the world a better place.

contact us

Contact us to see what we can do for you. We can help you by giving you free advice, or you can join us when you retreat.

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Mobile is not only becoming a new digital center but it is also becoming a bridge of the physical world. That's why mobile will only affect more than your digital operations - this will change your entire business.


Most internet usage will be done through a mobile device, and most people will be able to access the internet.

Amanda Lee

Senior project

Importance of Design is more important than most consumer applications compared to technology

Larry Flint

Graphic Designer

Good design is like a refrigerator – when it works, no one does not notice, but when it does not happen, it definitely stinks.


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