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  1. Originality: Ensure your post is original and hasn’t been published elsewhere.
  2. Relevant Topics: Write for Us- Digital Marketing, SEO, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Web Design & Web Development, Email Marketing, Marketing Tech News, Technology, Digital Analytics, Video Marketing, Business and Finance, Artificial intelligence to our audience’s interests.
  3. Headline and Bio: Include a captivating headline and a brief bio with your submission.
  4. Word Limit: Maintain a word count between 750-2000 words.
  5. Visual Content: Feel free to enhance your post with images and infographics; include 1- relevant image with your article.
  6. Take Note about Image Size: Make sure all of the images you use for your guest post have the following dimensions: Width: 768 pixels, Height: 403 pixels.
  7. Backlinks: You’re allowed up to 2- backlinks, one do-follow and one no-follow. Posts under 1000 words will receive one backlink.
  8. Submission Process: If you have any inquiries or wish to submit a guest post, email us at Include a schedule and any blog-related concerns
  9. Quality Assurance: Articles with Grammarly errors will be disregarded.
  10. Plagiarism Check: Use a plagiarism checker after completing your post to ensure it’s original.
  11. Promotion: Once your post is published, share it with your followers to help spread the word.