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The Rank Of The Best Ways To Generate More Leads Using LinkedIn Business Pages In Consumer’s Market

LinkedIn Business Pages, previously called Company Pages, is one of the last hidden marketing gems for businesses that are looking to expand online. With the new LinkedIn pages, you can grow your business and generate new opportunities and leads. Here are five of the best way to use “LinkedIn-business-pages”  to generate more leads and increase sales.

#1: Add a Call to Action

Now that you can publish posts on LinkedIn Pages; you need to be sure to include a call-to-action on every piece of content that you publish on the networking platform. This doesn’t mean you need to add a sales pitch, but rather provide a request for what you want your audience members to do next. This could be asking them to post comments or questions or ask them to share the post with their connections.

#2: Nurture Relationships with Your Personal Brand

We, as consumers, tend to buy from people and companies that we like and trust, which is why it is crucial for your business not only to consider how you can leverage LinkedIn-business-pages but also to build a strategy for your personal brand that will enhance your business efforts.

#3: Embrace Native Video

LinkedIn video is currently trending, but it can be intimidating for businesses that have never utilized video before. The good news is that unless you are selling video production services, the videos you create for your company page don’t have to be perfectly stylized productions. When you use candid, creative, and fun videos to promote your business, your followers feel like you are speaking directly to them. So don’t be afraid to use your smartphones and imagination to engage with your target audience.

#4: Share Your Customer Stories

One of the most common kinds of content that are posted on LinkedIn-business-pages is customer testimonials. While this is a great way to prove that your company is competent, it’s also important to look beyond the text testimonial. One way you can accomplish this is by sharing a before and after, highlighting the improvements your business has made in the lives of your customers.

#5: How to Create LinkedIn Business Pages- Use Showcase Pages


You can serve different segments of your target audience by creating showcase pages. Showcase pages are niche pages of a larger corporate brand. You can create different pages to showcase various products, or you can create pages that cater to different buyer personas.

By adding the right elements to your LinkedIn Business Pages, you will find yourself on the right path for building your brand presence on LinkedIn, which can lead to generating more leads for your business.

Find Out Company Showcase Pages

Create a Showcase Page from the drop-down menu. To create a display page for a product or service, go to your company page, click the Edit button, and then select Create a showcase page.

Company Showcase Page

LinkedIn Showcase is one of the best ways to begin Generating Leads, We provide Company Name, Website Url, and type of your industry, company logos, etc

Best Ways Generate Leads with LinkedIn Produce

Ever since LinkedIn released their publishing platform, making businesses busy has been value-added, thought leadership content to help them generate more leads and increase sales. When it comes to marketing business effectively, every company should be taking advantage of publishing posts on LinkedIn. Three ways you can use the posts you publish on LinkedIn to generate more leads for your business.

Think You’re An Expert In LinkedIn Publishing

The search engine optimization value that you gain with publishing on LinkedIn should be enough reason to get on and utilize this feature. The content published for LinkedIn’s domain rights and the platform is immense. This isn’t to say you should abandon your company’s blog, but you should include LinkedIn publishing with your content marketing efforts. Even better than the SEO value that you gain, every time you publish a post on the site, your first-degree connections are notified, which makes this a great way to achieve a farther reach with your audience.

Know About Promote Other Content

Find a way to reference your newsletter or other content, like webinars, video series, white papers, or any other type of content that requires prospects to do as substitutes. While this may not generate a highly qualified, targeted lead, you will be able to recruit more prospects to your email list and get them ahead in your sales funnel. Once you have acquired your email address, you can continue to reach them out and provide them with reasons why they should buy from you.

These are just a few of the ways that content published on LinkedIn can generate leads for your business. Depending on what you are posting on LinkedIn, the exact strategy may look different to you. The point has been generated, LinkedIn-business-pages is a powerful publishing platform that can help businesses take an edge and increase sales.

Digital SuperLink

Akshay is the Senior (Digital Marketer) SEO Analytic, SEO-Copywriting, and conversion optimization as well as try to best participate in WordPress Blogger-(Designer and Development), PPC, Social Media Marketing, and Email Marketing at DigitalSuperlink

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